Here is some commissioned documentary work of artists in their studios. Published in Asun Lehti of Finland, Plaza Sweden, Collector's Agenda Austria and some are just for artists self promotion.

Emma Jääskeläinen - young Artist of the year 2022

Emma Jääskeläinen - young Artist of the year 2022

Elina Brotherus for Collector's agenda

Reeta Ek for Asun-magazine

Supervirasto goldsmiths for their selfpromotion

Marjatta Tapiola for Collector's Agenda

Daniel Palillo for Daniel Palillo

Inka Bell for Grafia-designer of the year prize

Jenni Hiltunen for Plaza magazine

Jenni Hiltunen for Plaza magazine

Linda Linko for Wrap Magazine

Man Yau working with Checkmate Scuplture project

Documentary work for Fiskars